30 de septiembre de 2011

Let's do it.

-Roma está en llamas- dijo el cuando se sirvió un trago. -Si, aquí estoy, arrodillado en el profundo río de la vagina-
-Aquí viene- se dijo para sí misma.
-Otro auto indulgente empapado de whisky molesto por como fueron las cosas en el pasado y como nuestras pobres almas, nacieron demasiado tarde para ver las rocas o lo que sea. O una buena inhalada de coca como la que se hacía en el estudio 54. Bueno, nos perdimos eso por vivir lo que merece la pena vivir- y la peor parte fue que ella estuvo de acuerdo con el.
-Aquí estamos- pensó ella- en la cima del mundo, en la cima de la civilización occidental, y todos nosotros estamos desesperados por sentir algo, cualquier cosa, que nos permita seguir encontrándonos y joder hasta el final de los días.


9 de septiembre de 2011

Boys don't cry.

This morning, you wake, a sunray hits your face. We lay in the wake of destruction, hush baby, speak softly, tell me I'll be sorry that you pushed me into the coffee table last night so I can push you off me. try and touch me so I can scream at you not to touch me, run out the room and I'll follow you like a lost puppy, baby. Without you, I'm nothing, I'm so lost, hug me, then tell me how ugly I am, but that you'll always love me then after that, shove me, in the aftermath of the destructive path that we're on, two psychopaths but we know that no matter how many knives we put in each other's backs, that we'll have each other's backs, 'causewe're that lucky.

Together, we move mountains, let's not make mountains out of molehills. You hit me twice, yeah, but who's countin'. I may have hit you three times, I'm startin' to lose count, but together, we'll live forever, we found the youth fountain. Our love is crazy, we're nuts, but I refused counselin' this house is too huge, if you move out I'll burn all two thousand square feet of it to the ground, ain't shit you can do about it with you I'm in my f-kin' mind, without you, I'm out it.

4 de septiembre de 2011

Your life is your life.

Your life is your life
don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission.
Be on the watch.
There are ways out.
There is a light somewhere.
It may not be much light but
it beats the darkness.
Be on the watch.
The gods will offer you chances.
Know them.
Take them.
You can’t beat death but
you can beat death in life, sometimes.
And the more often you learn to do it,
the more light there will be.
Your life is your life.
Know it while you have it.
You are marvelous
the gods wait to delight
in you.